So the first Pothole Invitational continues with these two photos. The first is a large chunk of missing road on Atwood Street, near the La Fiesta restaurant. There is nothing pleasant about bouncing down into that chasm. Then there is the filled in sinkhole on Bates St, which was so poorly filled in it acts as a sort of ramp.
With irregular patches and mounts, it feels like traveling over a series of bowling balls on a dune buggy, and it is not unusual to see drivers slow down almost completely when they come upon this. Anyone who knows that it is there takes care to go slowly. Even I do.
Come on everyone, there are plenty of potholes, so snap a picture or send a description for your chance to gain bragging rights in the first Pothole invitational.
Just e-mail me at
I blame the $600+ dollars in repairs to my car last month on the poor condition of the south Oakland infrastructure. Keep asking the questions until you get some answers, themedici!
Geez, you would think that Pittsboygers would take some pride in their potholes! Like New Yorkers. You would think that pictures of potholes loving crafted and composed (the pictures that is, not the potholes, although maybe the potholes too, who knows)would come pouring in! Cmon Pittsters, let's post those potholes! Let's show those Yankee fans a thing or two about potholes.
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